Friday 17 October 2008

Play Your Guitar

The way to get the right kind of motivation to play your guitar is to do this in front of an audience. Do you like to perform in front of others? Let's see how you can savor playing while also providing enjoyment to others. Of course it does not have to be a conventional event for you to perform.

The right venue to practice your guitar melody collection is to bring together a tiny group in your own house. Your audience could be your own family relations. There are many times when you can perform and play your music in the house and maybe you will also try to get others in your family or among your pals to play on their instruments in such a setting. Some amount of planning is needed for getting together a performance and you need to prepare for it too.

But what happens if you detest the idea of performing? One way where you could rehearse with your guitar repertory is to continue playing in isolation and make out that there are lots of people in front of you. One step further is to put your children's teddies on the chairs. In such artificial shows, you have to be true to yourself and play corresponding to what you had planned from beginning to end, and if you make an error, what should you do? You could also decide not to stop at a fault and carry on with your playing in this type of quiet and passive show. This would in the end result in your enhancing the level of self confidence and self control as well, and this would give you a chance to learn from your errors of guitar playing.

This performance could also be recorded and played again, for discovering errors, if any. You need not make this recording plan too complex – there are cell phones and mp3 players, which help you to do this with ease. When you record your own performance it is like listening to some critical comment from the audience and when you listen to other performing artists, it helps your own. You must have great dreams to be with the top rungs of guitar players and this can be done when you continually listen to others playing who are better to you. You must exercise the same kind of love, which you would show in a performance when you rehearse you guitar pieces, or learning songs. Along with your music, you must master the art of showing your attitude, body language and stress level management. The joy you feel when you rehearse will probably be there when you execute the piece of music in front of the populace and will also reach your audience.

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