The word 'Yoga' is a Sanskrit term which means Union, and it isn't used just to describe meditation, however instead it is a doorway leading into balancing your mental, physical and spiritual well-being. This is the most ancient holistic practice for an individual's personal growth and development, known to man. Both a philosophy and science at once, it is 5000 years old and it stresses the importance of strengthening the body and mind at the same time paying attention to the inner movements of your soul.
A Yogi is a male who is a Yoga practitioner and a female who practices Yoga is called a Yogini. Indian philosophy has six orthodox systems, of which this is one and is considered an applied science of the body and the mind. This is not just a case is of sitting in a lotus position and chanting in unity but is a huge subject and if you understand it can become a research for your entire life.
Back problems due to postural alignment conditions are specifically healed by yoga and it is also a great stress reliever. Just the same as several other types of complementary therapies, one of the basic reasons why people that have cancer use it is because it really makes them feel good. Many feel that the best time to perform the discipline is on an empty stomach, before any food is consumed in the morning.
This ancient holistic system has many styles, among which are the following: Raja yoga which is one of the four main paths of yoga provides aids to control one's mind, body, energy and senses. Secondly, we have Kundalini Yoga which is a non-stressful and safe practice which is known to promise immediate results that are based on kriyas or sets of exercises that have been formulated specially. We also have Hatha Yoga which is an extremely wonderful system that is comprised of breath control and postures; it is the basis for all of the modern asana based discipline forms. Sahaja Yoga is another very unique meditation method that is based on the actual experience of self realization which can occur within each and every human being. The precision of therapeutic yoga and the foundations of traditional yoga come together in a heated room under the system of Moksha hot yoga.
Yoga is excellent for the young and old alike. The practice of Yoga is growing fast and becoming popular as it is not what is done to you but it is what you do. It is very gentle on the body which will help your to build up flexibility and endurance. This was reported by Fit Yoga as well as the Associated Press. The practice should not only be taken as an exercise but should also be accepted as a method to develop happiness and harmony from within.
If you think that Yoga may be for you then please view the video below. (please note that this is almost an hour long so make sure you get yourself a nice cuppa first!)
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