Friday 21 November 2008

Try Cake Decorating As A Hobby

Did you know that the first cakes baked in America where small loaves of sweet bread? Today, we have a huge collection of cakes using almost every ingredient available under the sun-indeed what a far cry from the early days of cake making. Home bakers should not be intimidated by the elaborate cakes being made today. The good news is you do not need to be a pastry chef to be able to make great cakes. The logical thing to do is to purchase a good set of cake decorating tools to assist in your cake making adventure.

Every cake worth merit starts with a smooth icing; cakes need to cool completely before they are iced and decorated. Start with a thin layer of frost to cover all crumbs and prevent them from ending up in the icing layer and running your cake decorating attempt. When you are done with this layer, leave them in the refrigerator for 20 minutes to cool down. This sets the crumbs, locked into the first and makes your job easier. Without having to worry about crumbs, you can start having a great time decorating your cake.

You may now apply the icing layer using an icing spatula Once you have enough icing on the cake, start smoothing the sides with the spatula all around the perimeter of the cake. One trick for smoothing the frosting is to dip the metal icing spatula in cold water, this will aid in smoothing the frosting. Hold the spatula horizontally over the top; it helps to smooth the surface of the cake. Start at the farthest point and drag the spatula towards you.

Simple Uncomplicated Designs

Some cake decorators say learning to smooth the icing is the hardest part of cake decorating. There is no substitute for practice in any endeavor. Once you have it down, show it off, even a cake without many decorations which is clean and smooth will make a perfect offering.

Instead of icing, cake tops can be dusted with powdered sugar. Use a stencil for a more elaborate experience or you can use powdered sugar for a dusted look. One good addition is to see edible cake decorations. To make your cake stand out, use candy, nuts or even coconut slices to decorate your cake; set them in with the icing before they set and you are ready to go.

Use cardboard combs to create a textured feel, if you want. Piping is achieved by using a pastry bag fitted with a metal tip. Perhaps this is the most crucial pat of your cake decorating. Fill the bag with no more than 1 cup of icing at a time, twist the top of the bag and keep steady pressure when piping the design. Your other hand can be used to guide the tip; this will also ensure it does not smudge. Be adventurous and learn the new piping methods.

For complicated cake decorating creations, fondant is used. They are kneaded and rolled into pieces and used to cover cakes for that sleek classy feel. It is also used to make designs that are 3-D; although it is less tasty than butter cream, the cake will look sleek and elegant.

click here for more details on cake decorating

1 comment:

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Joel Houston